Creating a Custom AWS AMI and Launching an EC2 Instance from It

By Łukasz Kallas
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Published on
aws image

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) are pre-configured templates that contain the operating system, software, and configurations required to launch an EC2 instance. In this post, we will guide you through the process of creating a custom AMI from an existing EC2 instance and launching a new instance based on this custom AMI.

Steps to Create a Custom AMI

  1. Launch and Configure Your Base EC2 Instance:

    • Go to the AWS Management Console.
    • Navigate to EC2 and launch an instance using an existing AMI (e.g., Amazon Linux, Ubuntu).
    • SSH into the instance and install any necessary software and configure it to your requirements:
      sudo yum install nginx -y    # Example: Installing Nginx on Amazon Linux
      sudo systemctl start nginx
      sudo systemctl enable nginx
  2. Create the Custom AMI:

    • Once the instance is configured to your needs, navigate back to the EC2 Dashboard.
    • Select the instance you want to use for the custom AMI.
    • From the Actions menu, choose Image and templates > Create Image.
    • Fill in the details such as the name and description of the AMI, and optionally specify which volumes to include.
    • Click Create Image.
  3. Wait for the AMI Creation:

    • AWS will take a snapshot of your instance and create the AMI. You can monitor the progress under Images > AMIs in the EC2 Dashboard.

Launch an EC2 Instance from the Custom AMI

  1. Launch an Instance Using the Custom AMI:

    • Once your AMI is ready, go to AMIs in the EC2 dashboard.
    • Select your custom AMI and click Launch.
    • Choose the instance type, configure instance details, security group, and any other settings as needed.
    • Review and launch the instance.
  2. Verify the Custom Setup:

    • Once the instance is running, SSH into the new instance to verify that all your custom configurations and software are in place:
      sudo systemctl status httpd    # Verify Nginx or any other custom software

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