Setting Up AWS EFS and Mounting It to Multiple EC2 Instances

By Łukasz Kallas
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Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a fully managed, scalable file storage service designed to be used with Amazon EC2. It allows multiple instances to share data easily by providing a file system that can be mounted across different EC2 instances.

Steps to Create and Mount AWS EFS

  1. Create an EFS File System:

    • Go to the AWS Management Console.
    • Navigate to EFS (Elastic File System).
    • Click Create file system.
    • Choose the appropriate VPC and subnets. Ensure that your EC2 instances are in the same VPC.
    • Configure security groups and permissions for access to the file system.
    • Click Create to complete the EFS creation.
  2. Launch Two EC2 Instances:

    • Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.
    • Launch two EC2 instances in the same VPC and subnets that were used for the EFS.
    • Make sure both instances have appropriate IAM roles and security groups to allow NFS (Network File System) traffic.
  3. Mount the EFS on Both EC2 Instances:

    • SSH into your first EC2 instance.
    • Create a directory to mount the EFS:
      sudo mkdir /efs
    • Use the command taken from EFS -> Attach section in AWS.
    • Repeat the same steps for the second EC2 instance to mount the same EFS.
  4. Verify Shared Access:

    • On the first EC2 instance, create a file inside the /efs directory:
      echo "Hello from instance 1" > /efs/shared-file.txt
    • On the second EC2 instance, check if the file exists inside /efs:
      cat /efs/shared-file.txt

    Both instances should have access to the same file, confirming that the data is shared between them.

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